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The General permission section under User Permissions
The Patient Chart permission section under User Permissions
The Worklist Queues permission section under User Permissions
The Advanced Permissions section under User Permissions
The Admin Menu permission section under User Permissions
The Manage Menu permission section under User Permissions
The Reports permission section under User Permissions
The General permission section under User Permissions

General Permissions





Create New Patient

Disable the Patient Search widget NEW PATIENT button.


Enable the Patient Search widget NEW PATIENT button.

Dashboard Library

Hide the Dashboard widget LIBRARY. Allow using configured Dashboard widgets.

Show the Dashboard widget LIBRARY.

Practice Messages

Hide the Practice Messages area.


Show the Practice Messages area.

External Messages

Hide the External Messages area.


Show the External Messages area.

My Tasks

Hide the My Tasks pane.


Show the My Tasks pane.


Disable iKnowMed’s REPORTS, Print and Fax buttons. Adobe’s Print and Download buttons remain when previewing PDFs.


Enable the REPORTS, Print and Fax buttons found throughout iKnowMed.

Reports Link

Hide the TotalView℠ option on the Links menu.


Show the TotalView℠ option on the Links menu.


Hide the Scheduler area in the chart.


Show the Scheduler area in the chart.

Visit List

Hide Visit List info.

Enable viewing Visit List info.

Enable modifying Visit List info.

Unfinished Charting

Hide Unfinished Charting info.


Enable modifying Unfinished Charting info.

VBC Task Management

Hide all Task Management Patient Banner icons.

Show only the Enrolled Task Management Patient Banner icon and enable viewing the Task Management tab.

Enable modifying entries in the Task Management tab.

VBC Task Enrollment

Hide all Task Management Patient Banner icons.

Show all Task Management Patient Banner icons and enable viewing the Enrollment Management tab.

Enable modifying entries in the Enrollment Management tab and show the Task & Time Capture Report in the Reports tab.

The Patient Chart permission section under User Permissions

Patient Chart Permissions

These permissions affect which tabs appear in the Patient Chart, except where noted.






Hide Admix.


Show Admix.

CDS Tools

Hide the Decision Tools button.


Show the Decision Tools button. Requires Practice Preferences CDS Tools enabled.

Chart Summary Library

Hide Chart Summary.

Show Chart Summary. Allow using configured widgets. Demographics must be View or Full.

Show the Chart Summary widget LIBRARY.

Clinical Profile

Hide Clinical Profile.

Show Clinical Profile. Demographics must be View or Full.

Enable modifying Clinical Profile.


Hide Demographics.

Show Demographics.

Enable modifying Demographics.


Hide Documents.

Show Documents.

Enable modifying Documents.

AI Scribe

Hide Documents > note > AI Scribe sub-tab

Show Documents > note > AI Scribe sub-tab as the second tab, after Last Note sub-tab

Show Documents > note > AI Scribe sub-tab as the second tab, after Last Note sub-tab

External Records

Hide Documents > External Records sub-tab


Show Documents > External Records sub-tab when records are imported.


Hide Flowsheet.

Show Flowsheet.

Enable modifying Flowsheet.

Medication Orders

Hide Orders.

Show Order History under Orders.

Show Medications, Order Review, and Drafts under Orders.


Unchecks and disables Messages under User Preferences > Patient Chart > Chart Tabs.


Enables Messages under User Preferences > Patient Chart > Chart Tabs.

New Problem List

Hide Clinical Profile > Problems.


Show Clinical Profile > Problems.

Non-Medication Orders

Hide Orders.

Show Order History under Orders.

Show New Orders, Order Review, and Drafts under Orders.

Nursing Care

Hide Nursing Care.


Show Nursing Care.

Regimen Orders

Hide Regimens under Orders.

Open Regimen Management menu and access Print Scheduled Orders, Print treatment day approval, View regimen properties, and Audit History

Show Regimens under Orders.


Hide Results.

Show Results.

Enable modifying Results.

Results, Interface

Hide the Edit and Remove options for results.


Show the Edit and Remove options for results.


Disable the Vitals SAVE button.


Enable the Vitals SAVE button.

The Worklist Queues permission section under User Permissions

Worklist Queues Permissions

These permissions affect which queues appear on the Worklist Queues menu, except where noted.






Hide Admix.


Show Admix.

Attach Documents

Hide Attach Documents.


Show Attach Documents.

eRx Message

Hide eRx Message.


Show eRx Message.


Hide Imaging.


Show Imaging.

Ins. Auth/Fin. Counseling

Hide Ins. Auth/Fin. Counseling.


Show Ins. Auth/Fin. Counseling.


Hide Lab.


Show Lab.

Notes Review

Hide Notes Review.


Show Notes Review.

Orders Queue

Hide Orders Queue.


Show Orders Queue.

Interface Orders Queue

Hide Interface Orders Queue.


Show Interface Orders Queue.

Other Documents

Hide Other Documents.


Show Other Documents.

Outbound Fax

Hide Outbound Fax.


Show Outbound Fax.


Hide Scheduler.


Show Scheduler.

Oncology Care Model

Do not use

OCM Patient List

Hide OCM Patient List.


Show OCM Patient List.

Unified Sign Queue

Hide Unified Sign Queue.

Show Unified Sign Queue.

Enable signing Unified Sign Queue items.

Sign Orders

Hide Sign Orders.


Show Sign Orders.


Hide Transcription.


Show Transcription.

The Advanced Permissions section under User Permissions

Advanced Permissions





Bill Independently

Exclude user in Rendering Provider and Incident to lists.


Include user in Rendering Provider and Incident to lists.

Act as Seen By Provider

Exclude user in Billing Seen By list.


Include user in Billing Seen By list. When user charts Billing, set Seen By to this user.

Act as Attending Provider

Exclude user in Demographics Internal Provider list.


Include user in Demographics Internal Provider list. When user charts Billing, set Attending (and Seen By when no other Seen By provider) to this user.

Charge Capture

Hide the Charge Capture area in the chart.


Show the Charge Capture area in the chart.

Clinical Approval

Disable Regimen Management menu approval and scheduling options.


Enable Regimen Management menu approval and scheduling options.

EPCS Administration

Hide the EPCS Administration link in User Details.


Show the EPCS Administration link in User Details. Users permission must be Full.

Mark Restricted Patient

Disable the Restricted Chart checkbox in Demographics.


Enable the Restricted Chart checkbox in Demographics.

Restrict Patient Chart Access

Allow accessing unrestricted charts only.


Allow accessing Restricted Charts.

The Admin Menu permission section under User Permissions

Admin Menu Permissions

These permissions affect which areas appear on the Admin menu, except where noted.





Billing Organization

Hide Billing Organizations.


Show Billing Organizations.

CCDA Batch

Hide CCDA Batch.


Show CCDA Batch.

Document Types

Hide Document Types.


Show Document Types.

Duplicate Therapy Alerts

Hide Duplicate Therapy Alerts.


Show Duplicate Therapy Alerts.

EHI Export

Hide EHI Export.


Show EHI Export.

External Providers

Hide External Providers.

Show External Providers.

Enable modifying External Providers.

Insurance Carriers

Hide Insurance Carriers.


Show Insurance Carriers.


Hide Interface.


Show Interface.


Hide Locations.


Show Locations.

Practice Preferences

Hide Practice Preferences.


Show Practice Preferences.


Hide Resources.


Show Resources.

User Groups

Hide User Groups.


Show User Groups.

User Groupings

Hide User Groupings.


Show User Groupings.

Terms Of Service

Disable the Carequality TERMS OF SERVICE button in Practice Preferences.

Enable the Carequality TERMS OF SERVICE button.

Enable the Carequality Terms of Service ACCEPT button.

Chart Merge

Exclude merged charts in Patient Search results.


Include merged charts in Patient Search results.


Hide Users.


Show Users.

User Profiles

Hide User Profiles.


Show User Profiles.

The Manage Menu permission section under User Permissions

Manage Permissions

These permissions affect which areas appear on the Manage menu, except where noted.





Clinical Note Templates

Hide Clinical Note Templates.


Show Clinical Note Templates.

Clinical Trials

Hide Clinical Trials.

Show Clinical Trials.

Enable modifying Clinical Trials.

Dispensable (iKnowmed use)

Hide Dispensable.


Show Dispensable.

Inferences (iKnowmed use)

Hide Inferences.


Show Inferences.

Labs/Imaging & Services

Hide Labs/Imaging & Services.


Show Labs/Imaging & Services.


Hide Medications.


Show Medications.

Order Sets

Hide Order Sets.


Show Order Sets.

Orderable Groups

Hide Orderable Groups.


Show Orderable Groups.

Problem Groups (iKnowmed use)

Hide Problem Groups.


Show Problem Groups.

Problems (iKnowmed use)

Hide Problems.


Show Problems.

Regimen Templates

Hide Regimen Templates.


Show Regimen Templates.

Supplies (iKnowmed use)

Hide Supplies.


Show Supplies.

The Reports permission section under User Permissions

Reports Permissions

These permissions affect which reports appear on the Reports tab, except where noted.







  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Audit Report

  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Productivity Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Patient List Report

  • Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

  • Visit List Report



  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Audit Report

  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Productivity Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Patient List Report

  • Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

  • Visit List Report



  • Diagnosis Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Pain Scale and PDMP Evaluation Report

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

  • Trending Pain Scores Report



  • Diagnosis Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Pain Scale and PDMP Evaluation Report

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

  • Trending Pain Scores Report

Clinical Support Solution


  • Clinical Profile Chart Alert Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Pain Scale and PDMP Evaluation Report

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

  • Trending Pain Scores Report



  • Clinical Profile Chart Alert Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Pain Scale and PDMP Evaluation Report

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

  • Trending Pain Scores Report

Financial Counselor


  • Charge Capture Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report



  • Charge Capture Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

Front Office


  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Patient List Report

  • Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login

  • Visit List Report



  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Patient List Report

  • Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login

  • Visit List Report



  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report



  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

Office Manager


  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Audit Report

  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Productivity Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Patient List Report

  • Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login

  • Visit List Report



  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Audit Report

  • Attach Documents Worklist Queue Productivity Report

  • Ins Auth Fin Counseling Worklist Queue Report

  • Orders History Report

  • Orders Queue Worklist Queue Report

  • Patient List Report

  • Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login

  • Visit List Report

Ontada Health


  • Current User Permissions Report

  • Data Integration Errors

  • Form Completion Report

  • Notification Audit Report

  • Patient Enrollment Report

  • User Permissions History Report



  • Current User Permissions Report

  • Data Integration Errors

  • Form Completion Report

  • Notification Audit Report

  • Patient Enrollment Report

  • User Permissions History Report



  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report



  • Prescription Audit Report

  • Regimen Orders Report

Practice Only

Hide Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login.


Show Practice User Audit: Permissions and Last Login.

Report Scheduler

Hide Report Scheduler feature.


Show Report Scheduler feature.