About User Locations and Schedule
When adding or editing a user account, the Locations section, on the Permissions tab, is where you enter where and when someone is working each day of the week. When they log in, iKnowMed defaults to the Location indicated by this Schedule, which makes it a little easier for them to log in.
Add a Location
To begin creating a schedule, add a Location.
In User Locations, type the location name and click a Location.
This adds the Location to the list with the Schedule set to the location's Business Hours.
Prompt Daily?
Do you want this person to choose a Location when logging in each day?
If the person moves between different Locations or if they might catch up on work done at one Location while at another, consider checking Prompt Daily.
If the person is only at one Location or they always work according to their schedule, consider unchecking Prompt Daily.
Edit the Location Schedule
To customize an Open Time for a schedule, select a Location and click Edit Schedule.